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When did you start playing Age of Empires III?

Actually I only started to play Age of Empires III because my father bought it for me instead of Age of Mythology which I wanted really bad as a child. ^^

Otherwise I would have probably never started to play it.

A few months later my dad bought Age of Mythology too but I liked AoE than AoM.

I had my first online game in Cctober 2010. I think before I started to play online I only played offline games vs PC. Used some cheats to get a big ass army and win.

Why Magnam?

Because only a few can wear the Magnum!

nah joke. I had Latin in school and just learned the word magnum. Since I needed a name I though it would sound cool. :)

Why do you play mostly Treaty?

When I started playing AoE3 online I got pissed everytime when someone rushed me. I wanted my big army and upgrades etc.After I got better in the game and learned to make 99 vills and stuff I tried sup again. It was fun too and I still play it sometimes, but I enjoy treaty a lot more.Just a complete different micro/macro and playstyle is needed, which is more fun for me than the sup micro/macro.

Your longest treaty game?

2 hours ++

How many civs can you play at competitive level?

I can play every no op civ. Some better and some not so good.

Which one is your favorite civ of all?

Aztecs. I really love them. But they are not really viable in high level games.

Please give us some tips on how to defeat your vicious Aztecs? ;)

70% Musketeer, 30% skirms and spam towers. That's it. Aztec can't do anything against that combo. That's why they are not really viable vs players who know how to play vs Aztecs.You need a few vills at the front and constantly build towers (outposts). Outposts are really strong. You should allways build them in your frontbase.

What are the mistakes you often make?

Fail to micro my culverins and cannons to their maximum potential.
And sometimes I focus too much on my cannons and forget to make enough other units.

The most awesomest mistake you ever made that cost you the match and have nothing but regret afterwards?

My silliest mistake was with Iros -.- I messed up my hotkeys. So instead of spamming cannons I spammed rams all the time -.- After I noticed it I started to click the cannon icon, but I somehow still often clicked rams since I was pretty new to Iro.Then I run out of wood and lost the fight horribly since rams can't fight at all.

How many enemies had you made by the time you became treaty legend? D:

I have absolutely no idea haha.

If you could return to your noob phase, anything you would change?

No, my noob phase was the best time in AoE3.Well I had 2 mates and we allways played 3vs3s with random players. We did civ combinations like double Sioux and Iro or sth like that. Was really funny :)

Will you still double Sioux with your friends?

Well it will be hard to play with them since they are not really good and teams would allways be unbalanced and stuff and there but yea I would do it :)

Would you rather sit in a mega cinema of ALL the Twilight movies or spend the whole day in a Justin Bieber concert?

Well, I would of course go into the Twilight cinema. It's dark there and I can sit so I can sleep I would not be able to sleep on a Justin Bieber concert. His voice is too damn high! ^^

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